The Scarecrow: Synopsis

In The Scarecrow (1920) Keaton plays a farmhand who competes with a rival to win the love of a farmer's daughter (played by Sybil Seely - the actress who played the Bride in One Week).

Running from what he believes is a rabid dog, Keaton's character races around brick walls, jumps through windows and falls into a hay-thresher which rips off most of his clothes. Again, the narrative enables much of the comedy to come from Keaton's stunts; a technique that is recognised as a hallmark of Keaton's comic style.

Keaton has no option but to 'borrow' the clothes of a scarecrow in a nearby field. As the narrative progresses, Keaton's character trips into a kneeling position whilst tying his shoelaces and the farmer's daughter misinterprets his actions as a marriage proposal.

The couple speed off on a motorcycle with Keaton's love rival and the girl's father in hot pursuit (enabling a chase sequence; a typical narrative set-piece found in Keaton's work and in American silent film comedy more generally). The couple manage to sweep up a Church Minister whilst driving, and the couple are married during the chase.

The film ends with the motorcycle crashing into a stream at the end of the ceremony.

The Scarecrow incorporates many of the thematic (heterosexual romance, a preoccupation with modern, labour-saving gadgets) and stylistic conventions (stunts and chase sequences, flat lighting, static camera shots) that are associated with Keaton's short films.

Click on the link below to watch The Scarecrow.
