Cops: Synopsis

In Cops, Keaton's character unwittingly throws a bomb into the middle of a police parade, which results in him being chased all over Los Angeles by the city's police force.

Even though Keaton's character's intentions are good, he gets himself into trouble no matter how hard he tries not to.

The film begins with Keaton seemingly behind bars, locked away. This visual gag, reveals that the woman he loves does not feel the same way about Keaton, largely because of his status.

Determined to better himself and win the affection of the woman, Keaton's character gets into numerous scrapes with the police.

At the end of the film, Keaton's character locks all of the cops in the police station. The girl he has been trying to woo disapproves of his behaviour and rejects him. He unlocks the door and the cops arrest him.

The final shot is of a tombstone with Keaton's trademark pork-pie hat perched on top of it.

The film, once again, contains many of the thematic and stylistic traits that audiences have come to expect from Keaton's work.

Once more we have a preoccupation with romance, numerous chase sequences and stunts (often filmed in long shot or extreme long shot) and scenes that indicate Keaton's struggles with modern life and technology.

Click on the video below to re-watch Cops.
